The Dana Leong Jazz Band & Pro-Saxophonist TranManhTuan

Photos by Kan Nguyen
Taken at the Opera House Hochiminh City
December 1, 2007
We can recognize there were full of creativenesses in their music world of jazz - harmony of sounds in the hip hop , slow rock, symphony, pop rock... wow I like it too. Not a borring night!. They did very good performance and funny warmly interaction with audiences. They should do it again next year at another place where can be the youth cultural center. As always, it's the "yummy foods" of spirits and life's quality. Reciprocal arrivals of the music bands during several years have been contributing for the relationship and development of the two countries.
Let's thank sponsors: the rhythm road, jazz at Lincohn center, new world hotel Saigon, V.U.S (Hoi viet my), the 17th Saloon, Sandy beach Danang city. Special thanks to the public affairs Service of the U.S.C.G in Hochiminh city.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Co nhung ga hep hoi, ich ky da ngan can tai nang cua ban phat trien. Nhung khi nhin nhung hinh anh nay moi thay su dam me la nguon nang luong chinh de nuoi duong ban di den dinh cao cua nghe thuat. Hay tin toi di, cu tiep tuc cuoc hanh trinh gian kho, ban se co duoc su cong nhan cua moi nguoi ve tai nang cua minh.
Mot nguoi ban.